EMDR - Trauma Therapy
Therapy for PTSD, C-PTSD, childhood trauma, and other traumatic and stress related issues.
Traumatic memories are like indigestion in the brain, thus sometimes it feels like we are reliving events rather than just remembering them. All of the negative emotions, beliefs about self, beliefs about others and the world, as well as sensations tied to these memories can come flooding back, causing the past to become present.
Trauma doesn’t always have to be a big event, such as a car accident or combat, as we may typically think when we hear the word. Trauma can also be a series of small things that happened to us, such as mistreatment, or neglect across your lifetime. Alternatively, sometimes its about the things that didn’t happen in our lives, but should have such as being emotionally supported and care for by a parent. When we’ve experienced traumatic events, it is common to experience a disconnect between what we intellectually know and what we actually feel. For instance, we may intellectually know that we are lovable or safe, but deep down we can’t seem to shake the feeling that we’re not.
EMDR helps to reprocess and desensitize these memories so what we are no longer distressed or influenced by them, so that what we intellectually know matches up with how we feel, and so we can enjoy the present while leaving the past in the past.
When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, it has nothing new to say to you.
Issues EMDR Therapy Can Treat:
Childhood trauma
Disturbing memories
Panic Attacks
C-PTSD (Complex post-traumatic stress disorder)
Other trauma & stress related issues
Introduction into EMDR
Watch the video below to learn more about EMDR from the EMDR International Association. Or visit https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy/